Erin Ruby Design offers Feng Shui consultation services for residential and commercial clients of all scales. We work 1-on-1 with individuals for their homes as well as with architects, designers, manufacturers, businesses, restaurants, hotels, and community developers. Feng Shui consultations provide a holistic and comprehensive analysis of floor plans, site plans and architectural designs to support general well-being.

What is Feng Shui?

As a healing modality, Feng Shui is the art of aligning personal qi, or energy, with locational qi for the highest benefit. It balances the rational and intuitive, visible and invisible, mundane and transcendental, with Humanity (Earth) centered at its core. Our environments directly reflect and affect the conditions of our internal worlds, and vice versa.

Feng Shui works with the Bagua - a map of archetypal energies, cycles and seasons represented by the five elements (water, wood, fire, earth and metal) and assesses the flow of qi to attune any areas that may be blocked or out of balance. Each consultation involves an intuitive combination of adjustments, blessings and space clearings that are specific to the client, enabling desired outcomes and enhancing aspects of modern life such as wealth and abundance, career, fame and reputation, relationships, family, health, and self cultivation.

To learn more about our process or inquire about a consultation, please email:


Lineage Acknowledgement

BTB Feng Shui (Black Sect Tantric Buddhism) originated with the ancient indigenous Tibetan Bon over 18,000 years ago. Now in its 5th Stage, BTB Feng Shui is an amalgamation of cultural traditions from India, Tibet and China such as Taoism, Yin-Yang philosophy, the I-Ching, divination, folklore and Buddhist teachings of mindfulness and meditation. His Holiness Grandmaster Lin Yun brought the 4th Stage BTB Feng Shui School to the United States in the early 1970’s and incorporated practical techniques from psychology and physiology to effectively adapt and apply the practice to modern life. Before his passing in 2010, he appointed H.H. Khadro Crystal Chu Rinpoche to carry on the 5th Stage of the lineage.